Tips to Follow Before Buying Sapphire Jewelry!

Not so long ago, the diamond was the most sought-after stone. Nowadays, gemstones have taken the market by storm. The popularity of sapphire shot up after Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton with a breathtaking sapphire ring. Sapphires are high valued gemstones available in various colors like blue, pink, yellow, and green. Blue sapphires are the most popular. Timeless Life Treasures is a leading jewelry store in Salem . Before spending on this beautiful stone, you must follow a few tips to make the most of your purchase. 1. Remember the 4Cs Just like a diamond, sapphires have a grading system. Color, clarity, cut, and carat are the 4cs that help in analyzing the value of the stone. The main factor behind buying sapphires is their color. Examine the rock thoroughly before purchasing it. Assessing the hue, saturation, and intensity is essential. The cost depends on the color saturation of the stone. Almost all gemstones come with inner and outer flaws. A cl...