A Complete Guide On Lab-Grown Diamonds And Natural Diamonds

Timeless Life Treasures is a trusted seller of Lab Grown Diamonds in Salem . It is a popular choice for buying jewelry in Salem and has decades of experience in the diamond jewelry industry. The best part is they guarantee complete customer satisfaction. If you are looking for lab-grown diamonds or Certified Diamonds Online , they are undoubtedly the best. Timeless Life Treasures provide the best quality diamonds at very competitive prices. A lab-created diamond and a natural diamond look identical to the naked eye. Proper equipment is required to check for advanced tests. The difference is negligible, trust us. Natural diamonds are formed due to natural pressure inside the Earth. Mantle pushes natural diamonds on the surface or above during volcanic eruptions. On the other side, lab-grown diamonds are made by scientists. The key difference is only the process of formation. They are similar in their chemical and optical properties. Some differences between the two are mentioned a...